However, I managed to step back from myself before I did anything rash. I told myself to hang on for a few days and really think about what I was planning, and I came to the realization that the driving force behind my desire was, well, wrong. I went back to the lesson that anything you do that's driven by hurt or anger only creates more hurt and anger, and that was not what I wanted in my life. I reminded myself that I am not the creator of Karma, and that this person was going to get what they deserved by the natural Laws of the Universe- who was I to step in the way of that?
This was an amazing turn of events in my life and just proves to me how far I've come in this journey. I was always the one who would lash out because I was hurt, or run and leave things unresolved because I didn't want to show any vulnerability at all. In regards to this situation I am amazed that I was able to leap beyond the easy way, that I was able to realize that all I would be doing would be creating even more upset and hurt in a situation that certainly didn't need any more of either emotion.
I do have my moment of weakness and I've slipped up a bit this past month, but I'm nothing if not a work in progress! I am trying to live my life as honestly as possible, but sometimes it's hard when I'm surrounded by toxic people.