Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Beginnings

I am part of something so amazing that I can hardly believe it!

When I finally found "my" Church, I was so amazed that there was actually a place where I belonged. It had taken me years (and years) to find such a place, so I became as involved as I could by attending the classes and the services.

Strangely enough there came a time when I started feeling a bit, well, uncomfortable, for lack of a better word. The energy wasn't the same; I felt almost as if I were an impostor or that I just didn't quite fit into the mold. I started missing services here and there, then more and more frequently... I didn't know what was up but something just wasn't right. I began to feel displaced and confused spiritually again, and I continued to hope that something was just around the corner for me.

Wow. Was it ever!!!

I'm now helping to launch an amazing new vision of a spiritual center. I am so excited and so fulfilled that I just know the Universe brought me to the original center to point me in the direction of this new, amazing beginning! The creator, Alan Vukas, is the main reason I fell in love with the Church I used to attend, and now that he's starting his own vision, well, I can't help but be almost beside myself with excitement. And, the fact that he wants my input? WOW!

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